In this exercise, you will learn how the SAF Analyze tool can help you to recommend an appropriate HPE virtualization solution.
Navigate to the Storage Assessment Foundry.
Login using your HPE Passport credentials.
Click on the analyse icon next to the DEMO project.
Click on the Storage tab.
How much capacity is in use?
What are the performance metrics (I/O and Throughput)?
What is the Read / Write ratio?
Towards the bottom of the screen, click on the Details tab to see more information about the storage arrays.
Review the performance metrics which are presented. Clicking on one of the graphs will expand the display.
Click on the Servers tab.
What physical servers are in this infrastructure?
Click on the server name to reveal further details about the server configuration.
Click on the RVTools tab.
How many Virtual Machines are in the discovered vSphere cluster?
Filter the list so that only Powered Off virtual machines are displayed, and note their names.
What question(s) might you ask the customer about these virtual machines?
Which metric would you use to measure the used capacity of this virtual infrastructure?
Click on the Hosts tab. Then navigate to the right hand side of the screen and click on the menu icon:
Are any of the hidden fields important in making a recommendation for a new solution?
Click on the Guests tab. Then navigate to the right hand side of the screen and click on the menu icon:
Are any of the hidden fields important in making a recommendation for a new solution?